Counselling Feedback Form

Thank you for entrusting me with your wellbeing! As we enter the termination phase of counselling, I hope that the insights and awareness you have gained will serve you as you move ahead. Growth is a continuous process and your feedback will help me in my journey as a psychologist. Please feel free to share anything about the sessions, my approach, your experiences, and any suggestions in the space below. This feedback will remain confidential, and I will not share the same on any platform. Please don't hesitate to express your genuine thoughts!

Please read the following statements and place a tick next to the response which best describes how you feel.

My counsellor listened to me effectively.
My counsellor understood things from my point of view.
My counsellor focused on what was important for me.
My counsellor accepted what I said without judging me.
My counsellor showed warmth towards me.
My counsellor fostered a safe and trusting environment.
My counsellor began and finished our sessions on time.
My counsellor followed my lead during our sessions whenever that was appropriate.
The sessions with my counsellor helped me with whatever originally led me to seek counselling.
Any changes which might have occurred in me as a result of my counselling have been positive and welcome
Based on my experience, I would recommend my counsellor to others

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